Disney Shareholders Green-light Fox Acquisition

Mike Snider reporting for USA Today:

Disney, which owns the Pixar, Lucasfilm and Marvel brands as well as its own live-action and animation studios, will now add to its portfolio the historic 20th Century Fox studio, which has produced such classics as “The Sound of Music,” “Miracle on 34th Street,” “Patton,” “Alien,” “Titanic,” “Avatar” and the original “Star Wars” film.

This is huge. Disney now has even more content with which supply it’s streaming service. And as Mike notes, this also means that now Disney owns the rights to “Star Wars: A New Hope”, the only Star Wars film Disney didn’t receive with it’s purchase of Lucasfilm in 2012.

Marvel Studios will also get back the rights to the wildly popular X-Men and related characters. I’m sure Kevin Feige is has been hard at work figuring out how to roll them into the MCU since this deal was initiated last November.