All Trump. All the Time.

This last week has been a rollercoaster. Trump’s first full week in office has been…exhausting. It started with the inauguration, and was followed the next day by an argument with the media over crowd size. Then there was the Women’s March. Then the week kicked off with a flurry of executive orders, including the grant freeze and gag order on scientific research. The middle of the week brought Climate Change facts from the National Park Service, then deletion of those tweets, then Rogue NPS Twitter accounts. And the end of the week brought more executive orders, including the ban on refugees and visas issued to people coming from certain countries, which in turn, sparked more protests and action from the ACLU. Like I said, it’s been exhausting, and it’s only been one week!

Because of all of this, my Twitter has gone from being fun stuff about tech, Apple, the Rams, Star Wars, Disney, and other random things to being all Trump, or outrage about something Trump has done, all the time. And that’s how my brain has shifted. It’s what’s been on my mind. All my brain power has been occupied following our new Commander in Chief. My own tweets and retweets have largely been about these same things (I’ve lost a few followers because of this). I tried to fight this, and I haven’t written as much here because I wanted this blog to be about Apple and Technology mostly and other things secondarily.

Trump is happening, however. Trump is on my mind. So while I’m going to definitely try to stay on message, I can’t pretend that I don’t feel that my country is falling apart. I can’t pretend that everything is fine, because it’s not. So if this causes me to lose followers, oh well. If this causes me to lose readers, I’m sorry to see you go, but that’s your prerogative. I’m done staying silent because I can’t stay on topic. Trump is the topic. It’s unfortunate, but it’s the world we live in.